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Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology 2008-2013

Cisco recently released their "Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2008-2013" with some impressive numbers. The point of the research is to provide additional insight into the growth of IP traffic as it relates to high-bandwidth IP applications such as video and communications, however it is an excellent read for anyone involved in delivering applications over the...

Is NetPromoter the Answer

What is NPS?Over the past several years, the NetPromoter methodology has emerged as a leading indicator of customer loyalty. Its founders, Dr. Fred Reichheld and SatMetrix, have also linked it to corporate growth. Here is how it works:Using a 0-10 point scale, the participant is asked a single question, "Would you recommend us to a...

So... What's the Internet up to Today

For NICE CXone and a host of other services that businesses utilize today, the Internet is absolutely vital. NICE CXone agents using myAgent, and supervisors using inTouch or the Webmanager tools, depend on a stable reliable Internet connection for proper and efficient operation. Fortunately, the Internet today has become very fast and very reliable. However when problems do occur,...

SaaS and Virtualization...

Lately, the question has come up asking about the differences between Software as a Service and virtualization. I suspect this is because virtualization comes up a lot in the same conversations, but let’s be clear, they are different. To keep it simple, let just think of SaaS as delivering a fully baked, turnkey service of value...

Getting an Intelligent-T – Why When How Many and Who to Call

An Intelligent-T (T1/DS1) is a dedicated service that can be used to deliver NICE CXone calls directly to agents, bypassing the PSTN. Customers use Intelligent-T’s because of their ability to reduce costs, improve performance and provide unique functionality. Reducing Costs: An Intelligent-T is a flat rated service. The portion of the call that uses the Intelligent-T is rated at $0....