workforce optimization

Gain Workforce Optimization Tips from Top Brands

August 5, 2019

Contact centers need to manage, engage and retain their contact centers’ most important resource—their people. Workforce optimization can provide the insights, analytics and clarity into productivity to build and keep an expert team.

45 Workforce Optimization (WFO) Ideas in 45 Minutes features four panelists sharing practical workforce optimization tips based on their extensive experience managing contact center teams.  Featured panelists include:

  • Christina Sheehan, Workforce Manager at Crate and Barrel
  • Jeff Kennon, Director, CSC Affiliate Experience at NeoNova
  • Chad Pritchard, a Product Expert with NICE CXone
  • Barry Knack, Manager of NICE CXone Product and Practice Expert team

In this webinar, you’ll hear a wide range of workforce optimization insights, from managing analytics to engaging your workforce to improving efficiency and productivity. You’ll take away actionable insights you can apply in your contact center. Here are just a few examples of the 45 WFO ideas:

  • Breaking down walls around scheduling concerns: How something as simple as having regular meetings between impacted functional groups related to schedules opens up the dialogue and streamlines the process.
  • Why it’s so it important—for agents as well as for the organization—to make sure your QA forms sync up with the company’s business objectives.
  • The importance of data definitions—and creating a data dictionary—to ensure that data is discussed and compared accurately throughout the organization.
  • Gaining insights into internal process improvement opportunities through interaction analytics tools.

And that’s just the beginning! Explore all these and more by accessing 45 WFO Ideas in 45 Minutes.