Case Study: Global Electronics Manufacturer

Global Electronics Manufacturer Embraces Digital Customer Service with NICE CXone

A well-known global electronics manufacturer has a strong focus on delivering an outstanding customer experience. Its 400 contact center agents provide support to consumers and service approximately 100,000 contacts monthly.

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A well-known global electronics manufacturer has a strong focus on delivering an outstanding customer experience. Its 400 contact center agents provide support to consumers and service approximately 100,000 contacts monthly. About 90 percent of the agents work for business process outsourcers (BPOs) and are located in the Philippines, El Salvador, India, the US and Canada.


Global electronics company that manufactures and distributes audio and video electronics and information technology products.


  • CXone Omnichannel Routing
  • CXone Workforce Management
  • CXone Agent for Salesforce


  • 20 percent increase in Net Promoter Score®
  • 20 percent decrease in contact center costs
  • 12 percent decrease average handle time
  • 9 percent increase in first call resolution
  • 9 percent increase in overall customer satisfaction
  • 6 percent increase in agent performance


Prior to implementing CXone, the company used an on-premises, vendor-owned system. It was costly to update, required significant support and didn’t integrate with its other systems. “We were very shackled and had limited flex¬ibility,” explains the director of customer care. “Everything was patched together, and the lack of modern functionality meant we couldn’t respond to our customers’ changing needs.”

As a result, the company struggled with inefficient processes. “All of our sys¬tems operated in silos,” he says. “Agents logged in to multiple systems, there was no integration— everything was manual, which negatively impacted the customer and agent experience.”

In addition, the company’s BPO partners used dif¬ferent contact center systems. “The only insights we had into staffing were what our partners re¬ported. We wanted to verify how many agents they needed to staff, because our costs are based on it, but it wasn’t possible since we used different systems.”


The company realized a complete overhaul was needed. It began by defining the criteria most critical in a new contact center solution, and the cloud was at the top of its list. “From the begin¬ning, we sought a cloud solution rather than on-premises,” explains the director of customer care. “We didn’t want the maintenance associ¬ated with on-premises nor the high costs.”

The list was narrowed to three vendors, and NICE CXone quickly rose to the top. “The user function¬ality of CXone is significantly ahead of the competition. Other vendors just don’t have that edge—they’re more complex and cumbersome. CXone is also competitively priced, and it has a wide breadth of functionality that we could grow into. If we wanted to add integrated SMS, for in-stance, we can easily do that.”


“We felt shackled by our old on-premise system, because it didn’t have the flexibility we needed to grow. Today, thanks to NICE CXone, we have the tools we need now and into the future.”

Director of Customer Care

Global electronics manufacturer


Net Promoter Score Soars 20 Percent

One of the company’s goals was to select a unified solution that could integrate with its other internal systems. “The benefits of using a unified platform, like CXone, are far-reaching. Eliminating multiple, disconnected systems made a major impact on our customer satisfaction and agent productivity.”

Salesforce was also implemented at the same time as CXone so integration between the two solutions was critical. “CXone’s integration with Salesforce streamlines our customer service processes,” he says. “With CXone Agent for Salesforce, our agents no longer log into multiple systems—they can now do their work faster and more efficiently, because all the tasks they need to perform are in CXone.”

“As a result, our average handle time fell 12 per¬cent and overall agent performance increased six percent. Customers have also taken notice as our Net Promoter Score rose 20 percent and overall customer satisfaction grew 9 percent!”

Increased Agent Productivity and Efficiency

CXone’s integration with Salesforce also has ben¬efited the agent experience. CTI integration and screen pops have streamlined interactions and made it easier, especially for agents that aren’t native English speakers, to communicate with customers. (Screen pops are dialog boxes that appear on the agent’s screen and display the caller’s information, such their name and address. The CXone Agent for Salesforce pulls the caller’s data directly from Salesforce and enables it to be displayed in CXone.)

“The agents can easily validate the customer’s ad¬dress with the screen pops rather than asking them to repeat their information. It’s also very helpful for agents who aren’t native English speakers and may have difficulty understanding the language. The screen pops let the agents read the information and verify it rather than just hearing it verbally.”

Since CXone runs in the cloud, agents can work anywhere in the world—they just need an internet connection and a browser. “With CXone, our agents can work from home—location is irrele¬vant. It’s also very easy to setup an agent to work remotely. That was a far more cumbersome pro¬cess with our old system.”

Costs Fall 20 Percent with Operational Visibility

The company required its BPOs to switch to CXone, including using CXone Workforce Management, in order to streamline processes and eliminate data gaps. “Before CXone, we relied solely on our BPOs’ reports—we didn’t have any visibility into how they were performing. Now we’re using common reports from CXone Workforce Management to better understand how they’re scheduling agents.”

“It’s critical for us, because CXone Workforce Management establishes how many agents they’ll staff, and, accordingly, how much we’ll pay. It’s improved our operational visibility tremendously and reduced costs by 20 percent.”

By implementing CXone, the global electronics manufacturer gained a unified contact center so¬lution, improved customer service, boosted the agent experience and dramatically enhanced op¬erational efficiency.

Additionally, it now has the flexibility to satisfy its customers’ expectations far into the future. “We can continue to add functionality as needed, such as voice recognition or SMS. CXone can easily grow and flex to support our future needs.”

“Our experience with NICE CXone has been terrific. The technical team was phenomenal. It’s a solution I highly recommend to any other contact center.”

“The user functionality of CXone is significantly ahead of the competition. Other vendors just don’t have that edge— they are more complex and cumbersome.”

Director of Customer Care

Global electronics manufacturer

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