Do you remember that moment when you felt compelled to follow a certain career path? The first time I felt a pull towards marketing as a profession was when I started bringing in leads for a small start-up by working on their SEO, based on nothing but learnings I took from a book on my desk. I was hooked on the feeling of IMPACT.
You see, marketing is all about having an impact on your target audience. If my copy doesn’t address the issues that are important to them, it won’t be effective. So, I take time to find out what’s going on in the market: trends, concerns, pain points, expectations, and use what I learn to inform my marketing activities. Similarly, for a contact center supervisor to take the actions that will have an impact on agent performance and CX, they need to really know what’s actually happening on the contact center floor. It’s not enough to just have a hunch, or a vague awareness based on a few water-cooler conversations. They need cold hard facts, data. And that data not only has to be visible and accessible, it needs to be analyzed to draw out the key insights that it conceals. This is the best way for supervisors to understand where they need to put their focus in order to have an impact on their agents and the CX they deliver.
The challenge
But collecting, reviewing and analyzing data to extract relevant, actionable insights is time consuming. What’s more, it can be clouded by pre-conceived notions, or even human error. No wonder supervisors are looking to automate the process. And this isn’t just my own assumption. Once again powered by a drive to impact and understand the pain points of my target audience (supervisors!), I started with collecting data, launching a survey of our
CLUB ONE community. One of the questions I asked was: if you could automate one repetitive task to free up more of your time, what would it be? And, what do you know? The top answer we got was: reporting and data analytics….
It seems we’re all mining the same ground—digging for answers in the data.
The solution
With supervisors in mind, NICE has newly introduced the Insights Workspace for
Copilot for Supervisors, which leverages generative AI to go through all the data, from billions of interactions, and identify anomalies and trends. It then consolidates insights from all of that data, directing supervisor’s focus to where it’s needed most, helping them to drive greater performance from their teams, and with it stronger CX.
Crucially, this goes way beyond the conversational inquiries that you’re used to using as a seamless data gateway to information and insights that can enable you to improve your team's performance. Because, the thing with data is that you don’t know what you don’t know - so it can be hard to identify issues that need your attention if you don’t know what you’re looking for.
Meaningful metrics
In the first version of the Insights Workspace, we’re launching Supervisor-Centric Metrics—an entirely new, game-changing feature for supervisors that can’t be found anywhere else on the market. Taking the workspace beyond a tool that helps create and prioritize a killer to-do list, these metrics shine a light on the actual impact of supervisor intervention, by providing access to a direct assessment of their own performance as a leader.
So, whereas traditionally supervisor performance has been measured solely based on their
agents' KPIs, supervisors now get Monitoring Frequency Metrics, for example, which quantify the
number of monitoring sessions that they have led, relative to their own target and to their peers. Having access to this information provides a brand-new way of highlighting opportunities for improvement or optimization, enabling supervisors to set relevant goals, and track their performance compared to their peers. Beyond measuring the
quantity, we can even measure the
quality of the supervisor’s intervention, through Intervention Impact Metrics. So, any time they coach or join a call, we can correlate changes in This is quite the superpower, giving you a unique extra edge that empowers you to deliver exceptional CX.
In the near future, we’ll add even more Supervisor-Centric Metrics. Already in the pipeline are Re-skill Outcome Metrics, which will show how ad-hoc re-skill actions led by the supervisor have impacted SLA. And, we’ll continue adding more, based on feedback we get from our customers’ supervisors.
Inspirational insights
Because we fully understand the complexity of supervisors’ work and the major time restraints they’re under in their day-to-day work, we’re also going a step further, making Supervisor-Centric Metrics even more impactful. Based on those metrics, Copilot provides groundbreaking insights that supervisors have simply never been exposed to before. Ultimately, this will help them understand their unique impact and value within the organization.
The bottom line
Taking a
comprehensive approach to AI integration and augmentation, Copilot’s Insights Workspace transforms the role of supervisors to become more strategic. It alleviates the stress and frustration caused by being stretched thin and being pulled in hundreds of directions at once and gives supervisors confidence that they’re putting themselves where they’re most needed – and having an impact. Because, ultimately, we’re all in the same boat – looking for the data that can make us more impactful.