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Network Monitoring Made Easy

The data network is the heart and engine of today’s call centers. If the data network is down or impaired, it will probably be felt at every level of your centers performance. This fact means that it is vital that the IT staff have as much visibility to the health of all the components that...

Working at Home and Being Green

Happy Earth Day! Well, as you can expect, everyone is talking about the need to go green. One of the trends to go green that I am particularly fond of has to do with getting work done without requiring everyone to pile into the same office building. Remote working has immediate and tangible benefits...

CIO SaaS Checklist

Beverly Magda put together a nice list of things to consider when looking at a SaaS offering called "CIO SaaS Checklist" in InformationWeek magazine. Here are the questions that she encourages CIO's to ask:1. Will the SaaS app require modification of IT or network infrastructure or need special integration?2. Can I retire redundant IT infrastructure...

Do You Know if Your Agent is AT HOME

Many businesses today are looking closely at how to create an AT HOME worker program. This is particularly true in the call center and services industry. There are many advantages for the employer, the employee and the local community. In fact, it is the ability of NICE CXone to facilitate the AT HOME worker that...

NICE CXone & Connectivity with Multi-Locations

For many of you in Operations or IT, you have the unique challenge of managing disparate contact centers or business locations that you likely inherited through acquisitions or the locations already existed when you joined the firm. Looking at each location with its different PBX or key system, channel bank or other premise equipment with differing reports...

The OC192 and Your Contact Center

OC192 is an optical carrier (OC) that can handle 192 DS3s. A DS3 is a 45 Mb/s signal that can carry internet data or it can carry 28 T1s, voice or data, and 28 T1s is equal to 672 phone calls. In other words, an OC192 is a fiber optic system that can carry 192 DS3’s, which is...

On-Premise vs. SaaS Which is Right for You

This is one of the more interesting questions asked of me, SaaS or on-premise, which is better? This is one of those classic consultant questions with a classic consultant answer..."it depends." Every business is unique and there are several factors to consider when trying to decide "which is better" for you. But there...