Case Studies
Athens Services Manages Growth and Productivity with NICE CXone

Case Studies
Sixty years ago, family-owned Athens Services began as a trash- and recyclables-hauling company. But in recent years, it has expanded its mission to include partnering with communities, legislatures, Cal-OSHA and others on a broad range of disposal programs, educational events and environmental initiatives. Partnership and high service standards are the company’s core values, and the primary goal of the 78-agent contact center is answering 95% of its 606,000+ annual calls in 60 seconds or less. In addition to several specialized teams, there are two elite, omni-skill teams of agents, including one dedicated to the city of Los Angeles, the largest city contract ever awarded in the industry. With a growing roster of residential and commercial accounts, the contact center’s ability to achieve its service targets and provide a consistently exceptional experience to 250,00 Southern California constituents has been enhanced by NICE CXone —first by implementing the ACD/IVR, then by adding CXone Performance Management and ultimately, by incorporating the CXone Workforce Management tool. CXone Workforce Management’s visibility, reporting and transparency have enabled Athens Service to elevate its contact center performance to a whole new level.