- Data: Determining the appropriate AHT can be difficult depending upon whether you look at interactions in terms of total duration or in focus.
- Staffing: These different interpretations of AHT can have a significant impact on requirements calculations and various objectives (e.g., service level, speed of answer and speed of response).
- Scheduling: After you develop your staffing requirements, then you move into a schedule optimization phase where you try to match your employees to your business need. You could be dozens of people over what you think would be the ideal number or dozens of people under, and it all depends on how you choose to calculate AHT.
- Change management: And then once that's done, you enter into a change management phase where you're monitoring the need to change schedules and forecasts.

Why Digital Challenges Long-Held Assumptions about Workforce Management
digital channels is changing the customer journey – and how businesses are adapting. Customer experience on digital channels is in the spotlight, with companies investing heavily in digital. As customers increasingly adopt digital channels to reach out to the businesses they frequent, though, the nature of those channels themselves is challenging long-standing assumptions about the workforce management (WFM) process. Traditionally, WFM involves a series of ongoing steps that follow a particular order:
This blog is the second in a series on digital channel management. In the first installment, we talked about how the proliferation of