Athens Services: “How Did We Go for So Long” Without WFM
our savior. How did we go for so long without using this tool?” she says. Deep visibility and reporting have led to steady improvements in scheduling, staffing and reporting. Once schedule variations were identified through WFM, the results were immediate and amazing: Agent adherence rose from 67% to 82 percent!Likewise, having the performance transparency and visibility of inViewTM Performance Management for CXone has been a real booster for Athens’ 78 contact center agents—in motivation, in morale, in productivity and efficiency. Seeing efficiency scores is a real motivator, as is the healthy competition fostered by inView’s gamification feature.“These are the tools we need to go to the next level…to improve our customer experience,” Dora says. ”And it’s all working.”
Athens Services continues to expand its trash- and recyclables-hauling business to include partnering with communities and other groups on disposal and other environmental communities. The company’s growth has exploded, especially after winning a contract with the city of Los Angeles, in addition to serving residential and commercial customers in communities across Southern California.Before NICE CXone, Athens Services did not have an IVR. And without real visibility into its contact center operations, managers and agents were at the mercy of wildly fluctuating call volumes and Excel spreadsheets for scheduling and forecasting. Agent adherence was an unknown. Meanwhile, Athens Services targeted a lofty goal: Answering 95 percent of all calls in 60 seconds or less.Enter NICE CXone Workforce Management, which City Liaison/Admin Dora Castro describes as “