The impact of events that are affecting the world today have changed the very ways in which companies and their employees engage with customers. Through all the uncertainty and devastation, customer service has not only survived—but in many ways is leading us through the wreckage. Most incredibly, among businesses fortunate enough to survive the pandemic, many have found new ways to thrive—and in that, new hope for the future. How? The vast majority have found new ways to deliver customer service and moreover, to raise the bar on customer service excellence at the same time.
NICE celebrates CX
As we look toward the close of 2020 and ahead to a fresh new 2021, it’s especially fitting that we recognize excellence among our own customers. Every year at our annual user conference, Interactions—a virtual event in 2020—we honor select organizations with our CX Excellence Awards. This year was no exception. Winners in five separate categories were honored for powering unmatched and uncompromising customer service by leveraging innovation and through best practices for agility, flexibility and adaptability in today’s changing reality. Each and every one continues to demonstrate brand-differentiating customer service—against a landscape in which CX organizations are required to change at a record pace. NICE’s 2020 CX Excellence Award Winners are as follows:- Best Business Impact Award Teleflora
- Best Cloud Implementation Award HireRight & Trupanion
- Best Customer Experience Award Valvoline
- Best Employee Engagement Award Vera Bradley
- Rookie of the Year Award LPL Financial & Wine Country Gift Baskets
Why do we still talk so much about customer service?
Even with the impact of 2020 events, in a world awash in customer service theories, research, stats and gurus—you may wonder what more can possibly be written or said on the topic of customer service. Aren’t we thinking, talking and reading about customer service all the time? Doesn’t every customer, every business get it already? Aren’t we all providing and receiving the best customer service, especially in view of the many challenges that emerged over the past year?Yes—and no.- Yes, customer service continues to be—and will always be—a hot topic, regardless.
- Yes, customer service has been explored inside and out, top to bottom, side to side.
Customer service only gets better when we continue to examine and improve it.
- Yes, customers and businesses seem to agree that, even under the greatest stresses and most difficult conditions, great customer service is what makes the world go ‘round.
- No, we can never know all there is to know about customer service, because it’s an evolving dynamic, with many variables. Some of the core customer tenets are changing. But at the same time, customer service is always new, continuing to push forward and reach new heights.
- No, there isn’t just one customer service standard that’s the holy grail. Different standards apply to different types of businesses and different customer segments.
- No, amazingly, businesses and customers often disagree on what makes outstanding customer service.
Speaking of evolving, dynamic service: Teleflora
Imagine being a Teleflora customer or florist around, say, Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day—your service expectations would be justifiably high: The brand was synonymous with easy ordering and outstanding service. But as it grew, the company found that it had serious disconnects with customers and florists alike---largely due to outdated and fragmented contact center technology. Moving to the CXone cloud CX platform and consolidating its global contact centers has enabled Teleflora to provide the kind of service on which the brand was built.Says a company representative: “ With CXone, we can deliver a fast, reliable and consistent customer experience… we trust CXone…” Find out more about our CX Excellence/Best Business Impact Award winner.
HireRight and Trupanion: Both Winners for Best Cloud Implementation
The companies couldn’t be more different—HireRight a provider of pre-employment screening services—and Trupanion, a fast-growing pet insurance company. But both companies realized that they weren’t meeting their respective customer needs for intelligent, nimble service—an absolute must in both their industries. In both cases, though, moving contact center operations to the unified CXone cloud CX platform drove vastly improved performance metrics and gave their respective agents easy-to-use tools that increased satisfaction and empowered them to provide consistently exceptional service. Read on for more insights into these two winning brands, HireRight and Trupanion.How customer service myths still challenge us all
While CX Excellence Award winners can make it look it easy, you may be surprised at some of the challenges businesses still face as they strive for customer service excellence themselves.Incredibly, despite all the discussion and best practices, not to mention untold papers, books and presentations on customer service, there are myths still surrounding customer service. A few of the persistent ones:
- If customers aren’t complaining they must be getting good service—and are happy with it. (Not necessarily).
- It takes a lot for customers to change brands or bypass your business for another because it’s inconvenient. (Nope- the majority of customers say they will readily switch brands/favored businesses because of bad service.)
- Good customer service is really instinctive, like basic politeness—and anyone can do it.
Being polite is great, but providing truly exceptional customer service also requires a sustained commitment, deep understanding of the customer and unrelenting effort. - Once a business establishes its customer service philosophy and procedures, all it needs to do is execute. Actually, sustained, exceptional customer service requires continual examination and adjustment, based on evolving customer preferences, changing market conditions and an intensifying competitive landscape.
Our (least) favorites myth: The role of technology in customer service
Remember when society feared that technology would create a robotic, impersonal world? We know better now, but here, too some myths manage to live on. For example:
- Good customer service and technology are incompatible.
- Customers will always prefer a live person over automation.
- Customers may like technological advances in some areas of their lives but prefer something different when it comes to customer service.
Consider all that Valvoline has accomplished
It’s not surprising that Valvoline was selected as this year’s Best Customer Experience Award winner. Facing some customer service issues head-on, the company took an innovative approach to creating a consistent customer experience while also developing a new market acquisition program. Consolidating operations in a central corporate contact center and moving to the CXone cloud CX platform were key pivots that led to success in both areas. Using the CXone IVR to create self-service options was a game-changer. See how Valvoline exceeded its goals and took customer service to new heights.What is ‘great customer service’ anyway?
Customer service is a living, breathing dynamic within—and projected by—organizations and their brands. Most importantly, it’s based and focused on identifying and meeting customer needs. Some say excellence begins when brands are routinely delighting their customers.We should expect customer service to change with the times, with standards and variables that often vary according to different vertical segments and evolving customer expectations. Exceptional customer service begins with an acknowledgement that it’s not a “one and done” on the part of the organization and unwavering commitment to the process of delivering the very best service to customers in a sustained way. How do you get there? Customer service reflects brand values and business culture. But mastering the fundamentals is also critical, and offers a handy list seven distinct customer service best practice examples :