Press Release
NICE Actimize Positioned as Overall Leader in the 2023 Quadrant Knowledge Trade Surveillance and Monitoring Report
Nov 21, 2023
For the fourth consecutive year, NICE Actimize achieved the highest scores across the Technology Excellence and Customer Impact metrics in the 2023 SPARK Matrix™ ranking
Hoboken, NJ, November 21,2023 –NICE Actimize, a NICE (Nasdaq: NICE)business, has been ranked by globaladvisory and consulting firm Quadrant Knowledge Solutions as the overall globalLeader in its report titled “SPARK Matrix™: Trade Surveillance and Monitoring, Q4, 2023.” The Quadrant Knowledge Solutions research report, which providedcompetitive analysis and a ranking of 20 global trade surveillancevendors in the form of its proprietary SPARK Matrix, scored NICE Actimizehighest across Technology Excellence and Customer Impact performance metrics for the fourth consecutive year.
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The QuadrantKnowledge report, in positioning NICE Actimize and its SURVEIL-X Holistic Conduct Surveillance Suite,noted, “The company offers the SURVEIL-X Holistic Surveillance Suitethat covers both surveillance and behavioral monitoring for online brokers,buy-side and sell-side firms, insurance companies, crypto exchanges,regulators, and more.”
The report continued, “The solution analyzes and correlatesall trade-related data, detects all forms of risky behavior and ensuresregulatory compliance. SURVEIL-X offers extensive surveillance coverage throughits capabilities that include real-time data integration from various datasources and communications, comprehensive surveillance coverage, AI-poweredanalytic techniques, custom tuning and threshold management, automated alertgeneration and scoring, workflow and case management, and reporting anddashboard.”
Additionally, the report noted, “Someof the key differentiators of the SURVEIL-X platform include AI-driven holisticsurveillance with precise alerting and integrated visualization capabilities,simplified client data integrations in both trade and communicationssurveillance, ability to access over 750+ exchange/venue market data sources,integration with conduct risk scores to build risk profiles on any entity basedon customizable behavioral risk factors, and case management tool with robustworkflow functionality.”
“NICEActimize’s customers recognize the SURVEIL-X platform for its ease ofdeployment, integration, and interoperability, overall technology experienceand customer value proposition, and its customization capabilities to meettheir business-specific needs,” explained Vishal Jagasia, Senior Analyst, QuadrantKnowledge Solutions. “Throughits platform called Compliancentral, which enables organizations to monitorend-to-end employee communications and transactions to identify conduct risks,NICE Actimize surveillance allows organizations to capture, store, archive, andsurveil all communications for regulated employees.”
“Compromising on surveillance technology can becostly to a financial institution’s bottom line and reputation,” said Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President, NICE. “Withthe AI-powered SURVEIL-X Holistic Conduct and Trade Surveillance solution, NICEActimize offers next level surveillance with even better detection coverage andreduced false positives. And SURVEIL-X doesn’t compromise on communications requirements,offering an advanced approach to monitoring unified communications such asMicrosoft Teams and Zoom.”
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’ SPARK Matrix provides a snapshot of key market participants and a visualrepresentation of their positioning, along with strategic insights on how eachvendor ranks related to their competitors along several axes representing arange of performance parameters coinciding with technology excellence andcustomer impact.
AboutQuadrant Knowledge Solutions
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions is a global advisoryand consulting firm focused on helping clients achieve business transformationgoals with Strategic Business and Growth advisory services. At QuadrantKnowledge Solutions, our vision is to become an integral part of our client’sbusiness as a strategic knowledge partner. Our research and consultingdeliverables are designed to provide comprehensive information and strategicinsights for helping clients formulate growth strategies to survive and thrivein ever-changing business environments. For more available research,please visit https://quadrant-solutions.com/market-research/
About NICE Actimize
NICE Actimize is thelargest and broadest provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutionsfor regional and global financial institutions, as well as governmentregulators. Consistently ranked as number one in the space, NICE Actimizeexperts apply innovative technology to protect institutions and safeguardconsumers’ and investors’ assets by identifying financial crime, preventingfraud and providing regulatory compliance. The company provides real-time,cross-channel fraud prevention, anti-money laundering detection, and tradingsurveillance solutions that address such concerns as payment fraud, cybercrime,sanctions monitoring, market abuse, customer due diligence and insider trading.Find us at www.niceactimize.com, @NICE_Actimize or Nasdaq: NICE.
About NICE
With NICE(Nasdaq: NICE), it’s never been easier for organizations of all sizes aroundthe globe to create extraordinary customer experiences while meeting keybusiness metrics. Featuring the world’s #1 cloud native customer experienceplatform, CXone, NICE is a worldwide leader in AI-powered self-service andagent-assisted CX software for the contact center – and beyond. Over 25,000organizations in more than 150 countries, including over 85 of the Fortune 100companies, partner with NICE to transform - and elevate - every customerinteraction. www.nice.com
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CindyMorgan-Olson, +1 646 408 5896, media@nice.com, ET
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Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements asthat term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.Such forward-looking statements, including the statements by Mr. Wooten, arebased on the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of the management ofNICE Ltd. (the “Company”). In some cases, such forward-looking statements canbe identified by terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “seek,” “may,” “will,”“intend,” “should,” “project,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “estimate,” or similarwords. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks anduncertainties that could cause the actual results or performance of the Companyto differ materially from those described herein, including but not limited tothe impact of changes in economic and business conditions, including as aresult of the COVID-19 pandemic; competition; successful execution of theCompany’s growth strategy; success and growth of the Company’s cloudSoftware-as-a-Service business; changes in technology and market requirements;decline in demand for the Company's products; inability to timely develop andintroduce new technologies, products and applications; difficulties or delaysin absorbing and integrating acquired operations, products, technologies andpersonnel; loss of market share; an inability to maintain certain marketing anddistribution arrangements; the Company’s dependency on third-party cloudcomputing platform providers, hosting facilities and service partners;, cybersecurity attacks or other security breaches against the Company; the effect ofnewly enacted or modified laws, regulation or standards on the Company and ourproducts and various other factors and uncertainties discussed in our filingswith the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). For a moredetailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting thecompany, refer to the Company's reports filed from time to time with the SEC,including the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F. The forward-looking statementscontained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release,and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise them, except asrequired by law.