
Go “All In” on AI and Win with Frictionless Experiences


Consumers’ expectations are rapidly out-pacing businesses’ digital roadmaps; as a result, digital experiences are falling far short of even average CX. Now 81% of consumer interactions begin on digital channels, yet only 19% of interactions are resolved in self-service.

Today’s customers expect quick access to accurate information and immediate resolution of issues – on every channel. How is your CX strategy holding up to today’s increasing expectations?

Join us to see how an “all in” AI strategy positions businesses to deliver frictionless experiences by learning from their customers and top-performing agents and improving processes across their organizations to win over customers on every interaction.

We’ll discuss

  • What is an “all in” AI strategy
  • The keys to defining and understanding what a “frictionless experience” is
  • Why data is the most crucial input for AI-powered success
  • How digital gets smart with data
  • Examples of how businesses are differentiating CX with smooth and flawless experiences