What is a T1?

A T1 is a point-to-point, high capacity phone/data line that connects a business customer with a telecom provider or an internet service provider. T1s have been around for decades and were created for organizations that needed a line with more bandwidth. T1 lines are divided into 24 channels, each of which is capable of transmitting data at 64 Kbps, for a combined transmission speed of 1.544 Mbps. In contrast, a single analog phone line has one channel and a 64 Kbps transmission speed.

The configuration of a T1 line is flexible. The entire capacity can be used for phone or just for data, or the channels can be divided up so that one T1 supports both phone and data. Additionally, the channels can all be merged together in order to take advantage of the 1.544 Mbps throughput.

T1s are steadily being replaced by DSL and cable. Although T1 lines are very reliable, they're also much more expensive than these other options.

How NICE can help

NICE is the market leader in providing customers the cloud contact center software they need to deliver consistently exceptional customer experiences. Benefits include:

CXone provides an intelligent, unified suite of applications covering the breadth of contact center management disciplines, simplifying administration and streamlining the user experience.


NICE CXoneは、チャネル、データ、アプリケーション、ナレッジを1つのプラットフォームに集約し、CXをダイナミックに向上させる、インタラクション中心のプラットフォームです。

NICE CXoneは、規模を問わず世界中の企業で導入され、卓越したCXの実現を支援しています。クラウドネイティブのプラットフォームは、企業のニーズに合わせて柔軟に機能を追加、拡張することが可能で、コールセンターの運営を総合的に支援するよう設計されています。

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