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Keeping up with Call Center Information and Technology

Just a few words on information resources. There is so much happening out there. Some of my favorite resources are:Donna Fluss – DMG Consulting – These guys are the place to go for insight in to the issues, trends and technologies being deployed in the call center market. InformationWeek is great place to go for...

WFM - Introducing a New Scheduling Process Part 2

So, you’ve got your workforce strategy committee together. Now what? As previously mentioned, any little schedule tweak can cause a tidal wave. Why? Well, because, you’re impacting the lives of your agents’ and most often, they don’t get any say. Let’s change that. Part Two of a Five Part Series: Get OrganizedAsk Your AgentsShare Your StrategyTest ItGive...

Using Switches to Turn on the Power of myAgent

There several option switches that can be to used to enhance the operation of your myAgent and help with trouble shooting. MyAgent is the client application that allows an NICE CXone agent to connect to and interact with NICE CXone taking contacts and placing calls. The application can be run from the command line or a desktop shortcut...

Full Service Hosted VoIP vs. SIP Trunking

SIP Trunking is becoming quite the buzz word on the web and in trade magazines. Many carriers and application service providers offer them, but many have a different interpretation of what they are and how to use them, so let's start there. SIP trunks (minus the Websters or Wikipedia definition) are essentially physical or virtual IP connections...

WFM - Introducing a New Scheduling Process Part 1

Whether you’re the agent or the operations manager, changing the way you schedule affects everyone. Implementing a new workforce management program can be a painful experience in your contact center, but it doesn’t have to be. In this five part series, I am going to discuss how to introduce a new scheduling process to...


It seems that First Call Resolution (FCR) and Average Handle Time (AHT) have been at war with each other for longer than any of us can remember. In many call centers, both of these call center metrics are critical to the optimization of day-to-day operations. The big question is, “how can you provide excellent customer service that...

Lets Get Small...

I have been in the telecommunications industry for 25 years. One of the most profound developments has been the miniaturization of telecom technology. In the 70’s a central office servicing 40,000 lines required a large building to house it and considerable power and cabling resources. In the 80’s things began to get smaller. The...