How to take the first step to your CCaaS journey of managing your workforce from the cloud

​Although the notion of delivering computing as a service, where users pay for shared resources based on their usage, has been around for decades, it was not until a couple of years ago that cloud computing in its current form emerged. The contact center cloud market is at the most significant inflection point in its 30-plus–year history. The cloud-based contact center infrastructure market is booming and showing no signs of slowing.

The first step is taking an honest examination of how well your current approach is serving your needs regardless of the size of enterprise. Does your current solution provide the elasticity and scalability required for a dynamic workforce? Are you able to quickly increase agents that are automatically included in the scheduling process? Are you able to realize the efficiencies that are the benefit of a truly unified contact center solution (ACD, IVR, Quality Management, Workforce Management, Performance Management and Analytics?  Are you able to be freed from the IT responsibilities of managing servers and able to focus on your business with the latest versions of solutions?

By realizing your situation could be improved, you place yourself in a position to not only achieve your business goals but also have time to focus on your employees. Improving their involvement in the scheduling process and achieving work/life balance is beneficial for both the business and the employee. Workforce Management historically has been a solution designed primarily to help businesses contain costs. The new cloud paradigm has also brought new ways of providing synergies between WFM and the other solutions in ways that haven’t been possible in the past. These benefits just continue to multiply for large contact center environments.

I believe that cloud migration is a journey, and like every journey, the most challenging part is always taking the first step, knowing where you are at. The second step becomes critical. There is a reason that Workforce management (WFM) solutions are one of the first solutions contact centers purchase. The cost benefit and ROI is massive.  These benefits are enhanced with a cloud WFM solution that is unified with the rest of the contact center solutions.​

What to do next

Your challenge: Take that next step, visit the CXone Enterprise webpage to learn more.