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  • ERM(Enterprise Relationship Management:エンタープライズ・リレーションシップ・マネジメント)

What is Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM)?

Enterprise relationship management (ERM) is a business strategy that leverages an organization's network to maximize revenues. Constituents within that network may include business partners, suppliers, customers, and employees, to name a few. Enterprise relationship management (ERM) involves transparent sharing of data and coordination of business processes.

Because it involves so many different groups, enterprise relationship management (ERM) is often considered a change management effort, focusing on people, rather than a technology initiative. However, there are several technologies that can be leveraged to support enterprise relationship management (ERM) efforts, including customer relationship management (CRM) applications, human resource management (HRM) systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications. Data from these systems is critical to executing successful enterprise relationship management (ERM) initiatives.

How NICE can help

NICE is the market leader in providing customers the cloud contact center software they need to deliver consistently exceptional customer experiences. Benefits include:

  • Insightful analytics to facilitate enterprise relationship management (ERM) initiatives
  • Modern ACD providing digital first omnichannel routing and increased business agility
  • Integrated and comprehensive workforce management solutions to engage and empower contact center agents to achieve business goals
  • Omnichannel customer journey management

CXone provides an intelligent, unified suite of applications covering the breadth of contact center management disciplines, simplifying administration and streamlining the user experience.


NICE CXoneは、チャネル、データ、アプリケーション、ナレッジを1つのプラットフォームに集約し、CXをダイナミックに向上させる、インタラクション中心のプラットフォームです。

NICE CXoneは、規模を問わず世界中の企業で導入され、卓越したCXの実現を支援しています。クラウドネイティブのプラットフォームは、企業のニーズに合わせて柔軟に機能を追加、拡張することが可能で、コールセンターの運営を総合的に支援するよう設計されています。

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