Would you make coffee without coffee beans? Quality and Analytics: They’re Better Together

In our recent webinar with Brandon Purcell, a Customer Insights Analyst with Forrester, I had the pleasure of collaborating with my teammate, Lauren Maschio, who works in the in the Workforce Optimization department in NICE. I'm not going to spoil it by divulging what we talked about – I urge you to sign up and get the recording, because Brandon had plenty of amazing research to share that everyone should find very compelling! But what I do want to share is the importance of rethinking what a quality management program really means, and how quality without analytics is like making coffee without coffee beans.

Random Sampling is Yesterday's Breakfast

If there is anything to get across loudly and clearly, it's that random sampling of interactions for evaluation is a thing of yesterday. Agents don't like it, and neither do the people assigned to perform the task. If an agent is going to be scored on his or her performance, the only way is to use NICE analytics on 100% of that agent's interactions to identify the interactions that are worth auditing. When agents know that their performance depends on each and every interaction they have, they most often respond positively at having the added accountability. They also feel much more comfortable in the event of a negative encounter, because it can be scored as an anomaly until a pattern emerges.

On the other side, managers are better able to identify areas where improvements can be made. They can be more educated on how to develop certain coaching packages to help individuals, while also driving entire teams to perform better collectively. What's more, those coaching packages can often times be developed using insights gained from the other end of the spectrum – the high performers.

Agent Enablement is Today's Feast

Take that step into the future of effective agent enablement with metrics based quality management. Feast on the benefits of auto-scoring and automated coaching. Agents, managers, coaches, and interaction reviewers can be freed of repetitive and inefficient tasks so that they can focus on the business priorities at hand. Agents can feel enabled to do their best, and proud of the investment they make for the business as a whole.

As you're considering how you want to begin your journey into analytics and quality management, don't forget to sign up for Interactions 2018 in Orlando, May 15-16. Plenty of customers will be there talking about their successes with Nexidia Analytics and NICE Quality CentralTM.


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