The Making of a Perfect Boss

In recent years, the study of workplace environments and how they contribute to employee productivity has become a prominent issue. Some of the factors measured and attributed to increased employee satisfaction include: the establishment of a positive work culture, higher emphasis placed on work/family balance, the provision of increased financial benefits, opportunities for advancement, and more.

The significant factor we’d like to focus on in this article is “The boss”. More specifically, the importance of bosses and team managers in creating a happy work environment that is conducive to driving team success. “Unforgettable bosses change us for the better. They see more in us than we see in ourselves, and they help us learn to see it too. They dream big and show us all the great things we can accomplish (Forbes).”

So what are the personal traits and management policies that contribute to the making of the ultimate boss?

  1. Ego aside. To effectively manage a team, good bosses must be able to see individual team members for who they are, without feeling threatened by their imperfections or expertise, which may at times outshine the boss’ own.
  2. Know employees well. Good managers take the time to get to know their employee’s strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and places for improvement. They then take those factors into consideration when choosing which jobs to assign to whom, as well as what coaching and mentoring to provide. The result? Happier employees and improved team output.
  3. Lead by personal example. The best way to cultivate desired behaviors amongst employees is by setting a personal example. When good bosses make mistakes, they take accountability and openly address the issue(s) with their employees so that all parties can learn from it.
  4. It’s all about the attitude. A positive sentiment is shaped at the top. When bosses lead with a positive attitude, employees will follow suit. Passion and inspiration are contagious. The opposite can be said as well however. When bosses give off negative vibes, employees pick up on and mimic them, and morale, as well as performance, tanks.
  5. Acknowledge the blind spots. No leader is perfect. The key to being a successful boss is acknowledging one’s blind spots and compensating to the best of one’s abilities. Good bosses remain open to feedback and ready to learn. They challenge themselves beyond their current skill set, and never stop learning. (Business News Daily).
  6. Maintain the calm. It’s inevitable. High pressure assignments, last minute deadlines, employee mistakes and angry management that would like to see heads rolling. Good bosses will do their best not to let their emotions affect them, or their management skills. Rather, they lead with a sense of calm, and makes decision in a rational well thought out fashion.

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