Discover what makes your top performing agents DIFFERENT than your lower performing agents

Often times the typical question with regard to performance improvement is, “What are my top agents doing my bottom performing agents or mediocre performing agents are not doing?”  Many Key Performance Indicators like quality scores, average handle time, average talk time, CSAT surveys along with other call center metrics take lead in determining the answer to that question. However, do you really KNOW what is being said in the calls and where in the calls determine top performers versus lower performers?

Let’s look at this deeper by discussing call types/strategies:

  • In sales calls how much time is spent on understanding the customer’s needs and probing versus providing recommendations and rebuttals?  Or even still, what are the top performers saying during those pieces of the call flow the lower performers are not saying? What objections are my customers giving and how are my agents responding?
  • When handling calls centered on customer service, what are my agents who receive premium CSAT results saying to my customers when looking to resolve customer issues or when diffusing escalated customers?  For escalated customers, when do they express their frustration and what do they say when doing so at ANY part in the call?
  • How much time are my more efficient agents spending in each part of the call flow with regard to average handle time, dead air and/or average hold time?

Being able to peel the onion back and analyzing what is going on in the call versus just how many calls and metric specific measurements is the gap we are seeing in answering this question.  We are seeing more and more NICE Customers leverage Call Part Analysis to tell them the answers to these questions plaguing call centers for years. Our successful Call Part Analysis users then take these findings and correlate their quality models to ensure the right quality model is helping with pushing performance instead of measuring pieces of the quality scoring model not correlated to any performance successes.  As you can start to see, Call Part Analysis isn’t just an operations tool but also a quality tool. Our training departments are also using this model to add strategy to their new hire and continuous education curriculum by looking at how new hires and tenured agents do things different and then re-engineer how they train all levels of adult learners, the examples they use in class with their NICE Call Library and understanding where in the life span of an agent, knowledge and skill tends to fall behind so continuous education learning models can be targeted to preventing a loss in these areas improving excellent performance delivery regardless of who the customer may get routed to.


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