CMO Perspectives (8th June, 2015)
by Idit Aloni
June 8, 2015
It’s an interesting question to ask in a CMO Perspectives blog, whether the role of Chief Customer Officer (CCO) is a threat to CMOs worldwide? You will have to read the interesting piece by Nadia Cameron [] to see her take on this issue. This week we also look at a summary of some research about customer failures and if there is a way to win back your customers after major CX mistakes and we invite you to share your tried and tested methods for restoring good customer relations. Enjoy...What Gartner’s New CMO Spend Report Says About Your Marketing Plan []Do you feel like marketing is an expense you can’t afford? According to Gartner, the most successful companies spend more on marketing. Well, what if you are still not sure if you are investing enough money in marketing? Cox Business has a simple Ad Spend Assessment tool that will help you to get industry-specific recommendations designed to keep you ahead of the competition. Try it out.What wins customers back after a customer experience failure? []We've all made mistakes but the most important thing is to learn from them and improve. This interesting analysis of a MarketingCharts report lists where most customers felt let down. Surprisingly, the author said that 82 percent of customers experiencing a "worst CX" said they are interested in fixing the problem. Read further to find out what the research says about how to win your customers back after a failure. Maybe you have a tried and tested method you want to share with us too in the comments.How to Make Sure Your Customer Service Department Has a Singular Voice []We are probably preaching to the converted, because we are sure by now you all know that whether it's online or over the phone, your customers should feel like they're speaking to a close-knit family member with the same ideals and goals. However, if you are still struggling in your organization, Jay Baer has 4 simple steps to help you unify and communicate with one voice.Chief Customer Officer (CCO): Threat to the CMO, or the Ultimate Modern Marketer? []Until now the role of Chief Customer Officer took varying forms. However, trends show that more and more companies are taking the role seriously and Nadia Cameron [] is asking why the role of CCO is becoming so important, and whether CMOs should be afraid or look forward to it flourishing.Every Second Is An Opportunity To Connect With Your AudienceLook around you and you’ll see heads bowed over smartphones, tablets, watches... People all over the world are bowing to new technology and the billions bits of data pushed our way every second. So how can you ensure you are noticed and that you brand remains engaging and impactful? According to Lynne Jarman-Johnson, in order to connect to your customers, you must be intentional, intimate and organized. You must infuse your brand in traditional and new medias and you must fight for your brand like never before.We hope you enjoyed this week’s CMO Perspectives, be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @NICE_CX.