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La biométrie peut-elle aider à lutter contre la fraude bancaire ?

Appliquées au secteur bancaire, la technologie biométrique apporte aux consommateurs de nombreux avantages. Ils n'ont plus besoin de mémoriser plusieurs mots de passe (ou de garder à portée de main une liste cachée en cas d’oubli). Un authentificateur biométrique (empreinte vocale par exemple) fonctionne avec n'importe quel appareil, ce qui sécurise et facilite grandement l'accès pour la gestion de leur compte.

Can You Hear What Your “Silent Majority” Is Saying?

Your customers are talking. Are you listening? Many of them speak volumes about their experiences with you but deny your requests to give formal opinions. They provide critical feedback about your brand, but they don't want to talk to you about it. These customers are known as your "silent majority." You won't hear from them directly through traditional methods such as phone and online surveys. While sentiment scoring captures valuable interactions with live customer agents, the majority remains silent. They express the joy and pain of doing business with you through their journeys. However, they still fully expect for you to hear and respond to what they are experiencing. They are a majority. Are you listening?