Going Digital on the Front & Back End
With consumers and agents working from home, maybe even with children in the background, digital communication is more critical than ever before. Surveys of hundreds of businesses revealed that stakeholders are looking for new ways to communicate.When asked to define the most important defining factor in satisfaction, customers said first-time resolution of their concern or question. Increasingly, they’re looking to digital methods to bring this to life, from start to finish.The UK Customer Experience Decision-Makers’ Guide revealed that over 70% of businesses found very high call volume to be a problem. Virtually every business is seeing an uptick in customers needing efficient and effective ways to communicate and take action.Promoting Omnichannel Communication
Consumers want more ways to communicate — are you sharing new channels with them? For contact centers that have just launched self-service chat bots, promoting that capability can make for more successful CX.Now’s the time to put out your call to action. “Our call volume is through the roof, but we have other ways for you to communicate with us now.” A simple reminder of the omnichannel support you offer can have consumers sighing with relief.The annual CX report shared that for some organizations, call volume was so overwhelming they had to turn off the phone and move to email and social media only.More than ever, contact centers are seeing customers come with a willingness to try new things. Those bots and IVR systems that might have been intimidating before are helpful solutions in this chaotic age. Pandemic pressure has actually motivated consumers to educate themselves on communication opportunities and get their questions answered quickly.Racing to Optimize
Interestingly, The UK Customer Experience Decision-Makers’ Guide showed that only 10% of companies consider their digital business strategy to be optimized. However, we know that cloud is not the way of the future: cloud is the way of the present. With the huge digitalization of 2020, there is a major focus on optimizing this critical area.