Are We Efficient Five Metrics for Call Tracking Metrics

“How efficient are we? And where can we more be more efficient?” If you are a call center manager, you likely ask these questions on a regular basis. But where do you find the answers?

Below is a list of call tracking metrics you should look at to improve not only your efficiency, but also your quality and outcomes.

Quality Scores

Quality scores indicate the level of performance your agents display in their interactions with a customer and help keep a pulse on your call tracking metrics. Monitor and score your agents’ conversations. Then keep track of these scores for both the individual agent and the company as a whole and work on improving them.

First Call Resolution

Each of us is a customer, and when we have a problem with a product, we want to see it resolved as quickly as possible. Keep track of how many calls it takes a customer to get a problem resolved. It should be one. If a customer has to call over and over again or get transferred from agent to agent, satisfaction will go down and sales will be lost.

Average Handling Time

One important component of your call tracking metrics is to stay informed of the total time it takes to handle a particular call, including talking time and being on hold. The less time it takes to handle a call, the more time there is for making sales. However, don’t get too preoccupied with time and let the problem go unresolved. Agents need to be simple and efficient, take less time, but always get the job done.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

CSAT is a common metric that almost every company uses, and it’s obvious as to why. If customer satisfaction is high, every other measure will be impacted positively. It’s also fairly easy to track, most commonly through surveys. It can also be measured through the Net Promoter Score, which is our last important metric.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS refers to the esteem customers have for a company. Customer referrals, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty are all parts of this metric. When a company receives referrals, it’s easy to gauge their customers’ satisfaction and loyalty. Work for more referrals, and your company will receive better, more loyal clients.

Call tracking metrics are important to a company looking to improve their efficiency. If you measure the indicators above, your company can improve in all ways—immeasurably.

Some call tracking metrics may be easy to report on, but others could be challenging based on your contact center's technology. Luckily there are tools available to help collect and share data, and specifically ones that can help create a holistic view of performance by consolidating data into dashboards that can be easily customized based on a users' role in the organization.