Create a standardized, smart and efficient process to manage all your organization’s quality needs in one place.
Eliminate manual work
Save time and scale easily & efficiently with built-in workflows and easy-to-use data visualization.
Evaluate what matters most
Focus on high-value interactions and precisely correlate quality & CX, with analytics-based insights.
Gain agents trust
Give focused, actionable feedback, access to quality dashboards and self-learning tools.
Coach your agents
Streamline your coaching process, improve quality performance visibility, simplify scheduling, and enable personalized agent development.
Enhance CXone Quality Management Analytics-driven insights.
Search and filter interactions using Enlighten AI behaviors (soft skills).
Agent behaviors' screenshot
Broaden your view of Quality.

Identify interactions with the greatest impact on your key metrics to meet your strategic objectives.

Watch the video
CXone: all-in-one Quality Management excellence.
Our scalable, robust quality management solution includes forms, quality plans, coaching, calibrations, and appeal flows. An easy-to-use interface and enriched reporting capabilities complete the package, for enhanced business intelligence overall.
Form Designer
Design an evaluation form with customized fields and rules that best suit your quality program, and meet your business needs.
Auto-populated Forms
Accelerate your quality reviews with automated, AI-driven auto fill completion, based on sentiment or category data.
Pinpoint evaluations
Automatically zero in on phrases and sentiments in any interaction, for more precise and effective quality evaluations.
Enhanced visualization
Gain more comprehensive insights into quality performance across the organization, with advanced reports and dashboard widgets.
"CXone QM changed the way we practice quality management, and made it possible for us to reduce costs by 300%."
Jeff Fawcett
Call Center and Training Director Wine Country Gift Baskets
Related Resources

Mastering quality management on digital channels: 7 tips you must know

One of the main challenges in modern quality management is integrating multiple digital channels seamlessly to create a unified, consistent and personalized customer experience.

External Link

Hear our customers

CXone QM testimonial.


Digital channels in the contact center survey

This report examines the impact of digital transformation on contact centers, focusing on infrastructure, agent workload, skills, and support to understand their effects on agent engagement and retention.

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If you would like to know more about our platform or just have additional questions about our products or services, please submit the contact form. For customer support, please visit our support page to log into the Customer Community portal.